Sunday, April 24, 2005
Other than to remember that I'm not a "Big Wheel" yet, I've added this picture so you guys can see the type of wheels I have going on the Harley. I've learned over the years that those skinny 21 inch wheels/tires you see on the softtails, or a lot of the custom choppers may look cool, but they aren't too functional for long (and even short) rides. You hit a pot hole hard and you dent the rim in. You ride down an old road and the black repair squiggle lines (worms) take that wheel where they want it to go rather than you. Groves? Fagedaboudit! The 16 inch solids do the trick for this old biker.
Don't worry, I know what looks very cool too. I'll upload a pic of my custom bike project "Fat Train" as soon as I'm done messing with it.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
First Post --A Genesis - or a beginning of clear space on my Desk.
With this first post, I'd like to thank Adam Dicker and his crew for motivating a low-tech like me. It will give me a little experience with blogs as I've had none before. (I've owned and sold premium blog domains, but never actually written in one) So, here goes nothin as they say.
I'm thinking this might be a good way to release some energy about various domain related issues, without gumming up the works of the forums. Hopefully, it will also help me clean up my desk which is currently covered with thousands of those little yellow sticky notes so I can someday (theory) convert a few of the "to do" ideas into reality. Better to stick them on this blog huh? Then with the abilities of the archive I can look back someday and find out what the heck I was thinking.
Just regged another couple domains ( and cause I thought those were kinda cool. Sometimes I just do a few of those "on a whim" domains. Sometimes, someone actually wants to buy them later. (Will wonders never cease?) Usually I just keep renewing them until I realize it was a dumb idea. That has taken up to 3 years sometimes. DUH!
Today, I have to force myself to look at several hundred domains that need to be sold and the proceeds delivered to the ex-wife. Divorced as we are, I still resent what seems to be her forced partnership in this little business. Oh well. I'm going to be sorting the names for sale by extension and labeling them "Court ordered Sale Part 1 or Part 2 etc". My friends on the forums have been very supportive and know the real pain it is sometimes to lose names that you really wanted to keep.
Well, maybe that's enough for the first post. I have no idea how this is going to come out, or the length of this post on the blog site, but we'll find out huh?
Stay tuned for the next "Post it"