Sunday, November 13, 2005
Axel F. "Biker Frog"
I picked up a few domains focused on the BIG time trend towards using videos in websites and blogs. With more and more people having high speed access, combined with the success of devices like the Ipod or cellphones (with the ability to download and play short clips) it's a move that can't be ignored. Axel (above on the top left) became a quick star over in the UK and headed over to the US back in September. Watch the video HERE for a kick. Too close to a cartoon clip of a biker being chased by the "man" for me to not have to smile. Think you will too. I see that some top blogs that incorporate video from news tv do very well, such as that gets 200,000 views each day. I've also seen a few of my parked names picking up traffic, such as We'll see if I can move in quick enough to take advantage of this stuff. Could be fun too.