Saturday, September 30, 2006

The guys from Myspace have created another cash cow. This one is called "Weblo".

They're called virtual worlds and they are becoming a tour-de-force in the physical world.

“Virtual worlds are getting huge. Second Life has three-quarters of a million subscribers. You have these 3-D environments and they've also figured out how to make money off of them. Most of are free when you start, but if you want to really get involved and buy and sell things, within these worlds then you pay a little bit of money and it makes the experience all the more real,” Lance Ulanoff of PC Magazine said.

Launched this week, Weblo, is a virtual space modeled after the actual planet earth, only everything from web domain names to entire states are for sale.

“For example, if you bought the state of New York, which is about $26,000, you collect tax revenue from every single person purchasing any property in New York state as well as all the ad revenues we make from New York,” Rocky Mirza of Weblo said.

A new virtual world is modeled after the actual planet earth, and members buy and sell real estate with real money. Of course the Cartel has been working on a similar idea using real domains for about 3 years now


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