Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I've had a signature line on my forum posts for some time now that said "Some day Domainers will have a voice in their Industry". Well will wonders never cease, it has begun. Of course the current powers that be (ICANN, The Registries, and The Registrars) have no clue. Domainers have long suffered at the hands of these profit takers, but now, things are slowly turning around.
Of course it eventually had to happen. It was clear that if the Domainers could ever stop competing with each other and form some kind of union or coop, they would at least have their voice. Since they are the source of funding for the industry, they would eventually wield the choice.
All I can say for now is watchout you registrar pigs, lest ye be boycott.
Can you say "Anti-Pool" or "Cartel"?